Advanced school in computational chemistry addressing benefits and risks in life sciences through computational methods

Who can apply
Course duration and description
Course admission
Admission to subsequent years
Final examination
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This is some text inside of a div block.

Who can apply

Graduates (Bachelor or five-year degree) in scientific disciplines (or similar), with adequate research experience.

Course duration and description

The three-year course is based on the idea of “on the job training”, meaning that there will be no specific didactic activities but rather a very intense interaction between their academic experience and the practical experience that candidates will gain at the Institute.

Each student will be placed in a research group (monitoerd by a supervisor) and will be actively involved in ongoing projects, enabling them to participate in the planning, execution and evaluation of the experiments. In addition, students will attend the frequent courses and seminars.

Course admission

Admission to the course is through an exam and is regulated by the call for applications. Each candidate must undergo an interview at the Institute in Milan or via internet. Course admission is highly selective as there are always far more candidates than positions available.

Applications for admission must be submitted to by the deadline and according to the instructions in the call for applications.

Admission to subsequent years

Admission for subsequent years is decided by the Director of Educational activities of the Institute, on the basis of a recommendation from the Laboratory Head. In addition, candidates' performance will be assessed by reviewing their work, and by evaluating their commitment to the course as well as attendance at, and participation in the institute's training activities and events (seminars, clubs and courses).

Final examination

At the end of the course there is a final exam. Admission to the exam is contingent on the instructor's recommendation. Students who were absent for extended periods or left the institute before the end of the course cannot be admitted to the final exam. The final exam consists of the presentation of the student’s thesis to two senior researchers from the Mario Negri Institute.

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