INstitutE / Manifesto


Contributing to defending
health and human life

code of conduct for the research integrityDOWNLOAD THE CHART OF VALUES

Founded in 1963 as a non-profit organisation, the Mario Negri Institute operates in the field of biomedical research.

Three main objectives

carrying out scientific research projects
training young people
disseminating the results of its research at all levels

Our Values


The institute does not patent its discoveries, remaining totally independent of the pharmaceutical industry, the state, universities, politics, finance and religious ideologies. The institute’s research and discoveries are freely available to everyone – the scientific community, patients and the general public – guaranteeing the greatest possible levels of collaboration without the need for compromises due to confidentiality agreements and data secrecy issues.


The institute has never departed from the founding principle of serving the public interest: it continues to share and grant full access to its scientific research, and be completely transparent in the management of the intellectual property rights to its discoveries.


Since it is an independent actor, the institute operates with the utmost freedom of initiative and action. It is under no obligation to submit to profit-making principles and works with the typical efficiency of private organisations while, however, serving the public interest.

Publication Information

The institute contributes to disseminating scientific research and information through various initiatives and tools: it continuously informs the scientific community of new developments and breakthroughs; maintains a close relationship with citizens (especially patients) by sharing information on the use of pharmaceuticals and updates them regularly on matters involving scientific research and health.


The institute was established thanks to Mario Negri’s generosity and that of several other philanthropists who followed him in supporting the institute. His example and dedication to the values ​​underpinning science have become an indispensable point of reference for our mission. Mario Negri also paved the way for the generosity of many others, including Angela Marchegiano Borgomainerio, Aldo and Cele Daccò and Anna Maria Astori, to whom we owe a huge debt of gratitude.

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