The PhD course is addressed to young people graduated in scientific disciplines. The TeCSBi course is mainly focused on technological aspects in the field of biology and pharmacology.
The PhD in Converging Technologies for Biomolecular Systems (TeCSBi) is based on an overall project focused on the acquisition biological knowledge related to technology studied in their emergent properties and in molecular detail. The presence of tutors and teachers with different but complementary backgrounds allows the connection between different disciplinary areas, without any limitation among the different disciplines. Complementary skills will converge to promote new knowledge and facilitate its application transfer in the biological, chemical and computational fields.
The PhD course aims to train highly qualified students, ready to dealing with complex and above all current problems. The presence of high level doctoral courses allows all PhD students to be exposed to problems and approaches characterizing the industrial approach.
The PhD includes several researches with Departments having collaborations with international Research Centers. This is important also to allow potential agreements with foreign Doctoral Courses and to create a sharing environment in which students can implement their training in an international context. During the PhD, all students can follow structured courses and seminars that also include the involvement of foreign teachers. To underline the relevance of international formation, the teaching staff is also made up of foreign teachers. The objective is to train professional profiles who possess the so-called T skills, or specific skills (vertical section of the T) that can be put into play in multidisciplinary contexts (horizontal section of the T), through teamwork and ability to get a broader vision.
The PhD course has a duration of three-year , for students belonging to TecSBi who carry out their internship at our Institute, they access the school through project scholarships. During the academic year, students have access to several training courses (residential and online) covering a wide range of bio-technological disciplines. At the end of each academic year, each student must accumulate a minimum number of credits and must take an admission test for the following academic year through a presentation in the form of a poster presentation for first-year students and oral communication for the following years.
All the presentations by TeCSBi members, which will exclusively concern the project activity carried out, will be concentrated in three days during a PhD Meeting (September) and will be held mandatory in English, as the annual reports and the final thesis. Finally, the thesis will be integrated at the end of the third year through the presentation of the project and discussion with the thesis commission.
For more information on the TeCSBi Doctoral School, you can access the following link.
Admission to the course is through registration to the annual public call and is subject to passing the admission test.