Our Locations

Center Anna Maria Astori

Center Anna Maria Astori

The Mario Negri Institute laboratories in Bergamo are located in the Kilometro Rosso Science and Technology Park, and are dedicated to Anna Maria Astori, the noblewoman benefactress whose generous bequest allowed its construction.

The main research areas of the Anna Maria Astori Center include kidney diseases and diabetes, organ transplantation immunology, clinical pharmacology, molecular and regenerative medicine, bioengineering, some aspects of cancer metastasis, and rare diseases.

The Center is fitted out with the latest equipment and services such as electron and confocal microscopy, sterilized rooms for cell cultures, laboratories for studying cellular and molecular biology and instruments for pharmacological dosing which allows the researchers at the Mario Negri to confront and compete on equal terms with the international scientific environment.

The location in figures
Head Office
Mario Negri Milan
Address Via M. Negri, 2, 20156 Milan
Fax +39 02 3546277

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Mario Negri Milan

Via Mario Negri, 2, 20156 Milan
Tel. +39 02 390141
Fax. +39023546277

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Center Aldo e Cele Daccò

Villa Camozzi via G.B. Camozzi, 3, 24020 Ranica (BG)
Tel. +39 035 45351
Fax. +39 035 4535371

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