Bank transfer

Every donation is important and is destined by the Institute to research programmes for the study of the most serious diseases.

Bank transfer

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA
Filiale N.1876
via Verdi 8, Milano

Intesa Sanpaolo Spa
Filiale N.1906
Via Trilussa 13 – Milano

Banca Popolare di Milano
Agenzia n. 0000
Sede di Milano

UBI Banca Spa
Filiale di Bergamo Redona
via Corridoni 56 – Bergamo

In order to receive the donation certificate, please indicate the reason, name, surname, address and e-mail.

Tax Deducibility

For legal and tax purposes, under Italian law, Mario Negri Institute is considered to be a not-for-profit entity established for the purposes of scientific research (Gazzetta Ufficiale serie generale n. 181 del 3 agosto 2013).  

Donations to the institute are therefore tax deductible as follows:
- for natural persons, donations equal to a maximum value of 10% of their income are deductible from their declared income, with an upper limit of €70.000.
- for corporate entities, donations/contributions are 100% tax deductible and are not limited to the standard 2 % limit of  their earnings in tax deductions

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